Sunday, December 5, 2010

Daily Bread...

Usually have a craving for filipino and this drive down the hill hits the spot.  Its pretty much a hole in the wall, but its good homemade filipino dinner, sometimes..
And herer

Friday, December 3, 2010

After Gym - Eat Sushi....Right?

So after working out, i ate at neighborhood sushi place 2 doors down -- after eating there i decided to find out the public health rating for this eatery using the site from previous site and found it..... a 96/

Facility NameAddressCityZipInspectedScoreType 
PAZZAZ2524 1/2 HYPERION AVELOS ANGELES9002711/16/2009  96Restaurant

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Best Friend - It's That Easy

Food Inspection

So this is kinda search for ingredients and want to make sure the items won't make me sick considering there are so many caterers, restaurants, food trucks, and ethnic grocery stores here in LaLa way to find if they passed certain standard testing is this site: